Environmental Concerns Raise Doubts About Keystone XL Pipeline

Environmental Concerns Raise Doubts About Keystone XL Pipeline

Pipeline for crude oil transportation In the course of its development, Keystone XL has sparked debate.

“Inconvenient factual conclusions,” according to federal judge Brian Morris, are the reason for the construction’s denial.

Obama stated that climate change is still a key issue after the pipeline was denied by the White House in the year 2015.

The ruling was overturned after President Donald Trump took office. It is argued by the State Department that climate change has been less of a worry in recent decades. Climate change is being addressed by a variety of initiatives launched after 2015. According to the Trump administration, the building of the pipeline is essential.

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A planned start date of January 1, 2019, for the building of the Keystone pipeline, a $8 billion project, has been suggested.

Judge Morris, on the other hand, has taken a position against the decision made by the president. In the opinion of Judge Morris, factual findings cannot be ignored. It is necessary to provide adequate explanations of all relevant facts.

Morris asserts that while the pipeline may lower prices, environmental concerns such as oil spills and greenhouse gas emissions have not been addressed, according to Morris. ” According to him, global temperatures should be kept at safe levels, hence the pipeline will not be permitted.

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Environmental organisations have applauded this move. The Trump administration has repealed a number of environmental protection legislation that were enacted by the previous administration of President Barack Obama. A number of environmental concerns have been weakened, including car emission control and clean energy. Funding for the Environmental Protection Agency has been cut, among them vehicle emission protection and clean energy. Apart from that, the United States has withdrew from the Paris climate pact.

With only a handful of days after taking office, President Trump issued a permission for the Keystone XL pipeline project in North Dakota.

It’s been ten years since the Keystone Pipeline has been an issue. According to reports, a pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast refineries, which can transport around 800,000 barrels of oil per day, may have to be shut down.

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In response to the verdict, President Trump dubbed it a “disgrace” and indicated that he would file an appeal.