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During the Night, Solar Panels Generate Electricity

Engineers at Stanford University have developed solar panels that can continue to generate power even at night, a groundbreaking development. When compared to traditional solar panels, the new technology can convert solar energy into electrical energy all day and all night. A research published in the journal Applied Physics Letters explains the specifics of the accomplishment. It’s a wonder how solar energy can be harvested at night. Engineers constructed a

Yageo completes acquisition of Kemet for $1.8 billion.

For almost $1.8 billion, Taiwan’s Yageo Corp will buy its competitor Kemet Corp. This move will reportedly help Yageo expand worldwide. That’s an 18% premium over the stock’s closing price on November 11. “The purchase will enhance our capacity to serve clients in high-end automotive, aerospace, industrial, medical, and telecom sectors,” said Yageo CEO Pierre Chen.   It will also be expanded throughout Europe, North America, and Asia, according to

Malware has been discovered at airports and coffee shops, according to officials

Hackers on the Internet are becoming the greatest menace anybody could have imagined since they are able to steal so much money and information through their code without anyone’s notice. Thus, the authorities have come to the rescue of the people by raising the level of knowledge among security officers. Airport and coffee shop USB charging connections have been found to be infected with malware produced by hackers. Officials have

With the influx of technological innovation, smart agriculture is flourishing

In the case of automation in smart agriculture, this is a bird’s eye view. The increasing use of smartphones as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic has been one of the most significant changes observed in the smart agricultural industry in recent years. The influx of mobile phones in developing countries such as India, Africa, and the Middle East represents a lucrative value-adding opportunity for technology companies, especially given how

It's possible that the genes in intestinal stem cells are linked to high fat diets and colon cancer

New Jersey’s Rutgers University conducted a study claiming that two genes that appear to assist stem cells in the digestive tract burn fat may potentially play a role in colon cancer. According to this study, genes in the intestines of mice influence the activity of stem cells and the method in which cells consume fat. “This is crucial because researchers have shown that when there is excess dietary fat in

In a new study, e-liquids are linked to certain lung inflammation

E-liquids, particularly glycerin and propylene glycol, may cause mild lung irritation, according to a recent study. More research is needed to determine how much inflammation may occur over a long period of time. Although the extent of the changes was tiny, the study found that even in those who had never smoked, use of e-cigarettes two times daily for a month was related with changes in inflammatory cell counts in

According to researchers, the estimation of soil carbon discharge is critical for climate change

More carbon is stored in the soil of the Earth than there is carbon stored in the atmosphere, which is a significant difference. A major amount of the carbon in soil is in the form of organic carbon, which is referred to as soil carbon. Humans have an impact on how quickly organic carbon can be created or lost in soils, which is different from the impact of inorganic carbon

Using a healthcare API enables new avenues for scientific exploration and discovery

In Healthcare API, active pharmaceutical ingredients are linked to the term API, while in healthcare API, application programming interfaces (APIs) are the subject of the term’s use. To put it another way, application programming interfaces (APIs) allow computer systems to exchange data. Across the globe, this technology is gaining traction in the healthcare sector. System access to electronic health records (EHR), remote patient monitoring, and digital payments are becoming increasingly

Tactile printing has the potential to revolutionise a variety of fields, including education

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, polls of people who are blind or visually impaired are becoming increasingly important during elections. Tactile printing comes into play in this situation. The lives of visually challenged people are being transformed through tactile printing. Braille is crucial for education, social inclusion, and personal expression, as stated in Article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. With over 45 million

According to a recent research, 60% of all primates are endangered

A recent study finds that 60% of all primates are endangered. For the first time, 31 primatologists investigated every known primate. Seventy-five percent of primates are endangered. Hunting, mining, and lack of farming are blamed for the low numbers. The population has shrunk dramatically in the last decade. Since 2000, 85 new primate species have been found. China has identified a new gibbon species, raising the total to 505. Seven